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12 May 2019


Amis letter 19  (02/03)


Dear Amis


In April 2019 I had the privilege to visit Taize together with three young friends. The Taize theme this year is “Let us not forget hospitality”.


Let us not forget hospitality

Do not forget to show hospitality, for by doing so some people have welcomed angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2


In 4 Proposals brother Alois reflects on this theme.  

This is his first Proposal:


Discover the source of hospitality in God


From the beginning of the universe, God has been mysteriously at work. This

conviction is at the heart of the poetic stories of creation at the beginning of the Bible. God contemplates what he brings into being and blesses it: God sees how the whole of creation is good. The entire universe is deeply loved by God.


Sometimes we understand so little about God, but we can go forward in the

confidence that God desires our happiness and welcomes us all, with no

preconditions. God is the source of hospitality.


Still more, through Christ, God went to the point of becoming one of us, in order to draw humanity to himself and to welcome us. This hospitality of God towards us touches the depths of our souls: it overflows and goes beyond all human frontiers.


* In the face of the perils that weigh upon our time, are we seized with

discouragement? To keep our hope alive, let us practice a spirit of wonder,

looking around us with eyes that discern everything that can be admired.

* Alone or with others, let us read the Bible, beginning with the Gospels that

tell the story of Jesus’ life. We may not understand everything at once;

sometimes we will need to find out more. Going together to the Bible as to

a spring of living water will help us grow in trust in God.


The son who had left home got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around. him and kissed him. (Luke 15:20)

What does this parable that we find in Luke 15:11-32 teach me about God's hospitality?


Other Questions

What am I looking for now in my life?

Where in my life and by whom do I feel welcomed?

Have I already been surprised at the welcome that I received from someone?

If so, how?

Have I already had the experience of “coming back”? What happened?


This first proposal can change so much in our lives. It is the basis and source of grace. Can you see and value God’s hospitality towards you?


Have a welcoming week!


With love


Jan Steyn

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